1274 5th St NE
Washington, DC 20002

This is a free class for the Moto Curious – all new riders, prospects, and potential passengers are welcome to attend. If you have a buddy who furtively glances at your motorcycle in that special way, forward this invitation or bring them on down.
We will cover topics including:
Am I going to immediately die if I ride a motorcycle? How do I convince my mother/spouse/special friend that I haven’t lost my mind?
What will it cost to get started, including the bike, gear, license, registration, insurance, and tattoos?
What do all those levers and buttons do, and how do I operate the brakes, clutch, and transmission? Can I buy a motorcycle online, and if not, where the heck do I get one?
Armed with all this information and the answers to any additional questions you might have, you will have NO EXCUSE not to get that bike you always wanted! |