Dipping My Foot in the “Non-Cafe” Pool

evie-capitolI should start this post with a statement of fact.

I love my Bonneville.

Evie – yeah, I named her Evie – is the first motorcycle I’ve ever owned. She’s good to look at and a blast to ride. I don’t see myself getting rid of her any time soon…

All that being said, when I decided to tag along with Alex – to pick up his new ride – I couldn’t help but “eye” a few of other bikes at Triumph Manassas. Realizing that my 6’6″ frame makes me look like a circus bear on my Black Bonnie, I have often pondered what might be a bigger alternative. Alex’s choice of a Tiger XC (story to come) had me thinking of a Tiger – and a quick sit on an Explorer on the showroom floor at Chesapeake Cycle  a few weeks ago only fed that idea.

IMG_7432-8While Alex was filling out the paperwork for his new toy, Ken tossed me the keys to a beautifully painted Special Edition Red framed Tiger XC. I took it for a spin around the parking lot and felt more cramped than on my Bonneville. Realizing they had set it up for a normal human being – and not a tall fellow like myself – we adjusted the seat to its highest setting. This made a huge difference and a much more comfortable ride, but something didn’t feel just right.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the XC, but it didn’t blow me away. It didn’t feel a whole lot bigger than my Bonneville and didn’t give me the same rush.

I was a little bummed. It looks like this was not going to be the next “big” bike for me.

But then Ken Davis, the owner, pointed me over to his personal Tiger Explorer.

“Here, try this one…”

IMG_7489-27I’m always leery about trying other people’s bikes. The last thing I wanted to do here was drop the dealership owner’s personal bike. But after the keys were put in it and she started up with that “triple” purr, I had no choice but to take her for a run.

This was a totally different experience. It was the right height, it felt good, and it had great grunt from its 1215cc engine. A quick ride down the road and back and I was hooked. It may not be as classic and nostalgic as the Bonneville, but I could see running cross-country on this bike with no problem. And I kinda wanted to start that journey today.

The Johnson house rule is only one bike at a time, so it will require a lot of soul-searching to decide if I should take the plunge and change bikes. But after a brief dip of my foot in the Tiger Explorer pool, I think I know the body of water I’m interested in next.

Thanks to Alex and Jan for letting me tag along on the pick-up run and to all the folks at Triumph Manassas for letting me try a few beautiful bikes.

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One comment

  1. […] Ken formed a relationship with Triumph when the financial world was going to hell back in ’08. They kept in touch and finally made the Manassas location happen earlier this year. And lucky for us they did. If you are mulling over a new ride, go and check out the store; they have one of everything, and encourage you to take them for a spin, even if the bike in question is Ken’s fully-loaded 2014 Explorer (ask Kevin about this). […]

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Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Feb 2 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Let’s go to the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast and then go for a ride to Frederick for lunch. These are some of my favorite back roads. The plan is to meet at the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast (located at 19701 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837) hang out for a bit and at 10:00 kick stands up for a ride through Barnesville, Sugarloaf, Clarksburg, Boyd’s, then back up to sugarloaf and...
10:00 am Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Feb 16 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
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10:00 am Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Mar 2 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Let’s go to the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast and then go for a ride to Frederick for lunch. These are some of my favorite back roads. The plan is to meet at the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast (located at 19701 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837) hang out for a bit and at 10:00 kick stands up for a ride through Barnesville, Sugarloaf, Clarksburg, Boyd’s, then back up to sugarloaf and...
10:00 am Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Mar 16 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Let’s go to the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast and then go for a ride to Frederick for lunch. These are some of my favorite back roads. The plan is to meet at the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast (located at 19701 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837) hang out for a bit and at 10:00 kick stands up for a ride through Barnesville, Sugarloaf, Clarksburg, Boyd’s, then back up to sugarloaf and...
10:00 am Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast @ Bikes and Breakfast-Maryland
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Let’s go to the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast and then go for a ride to Frederick for lunch. These are some of my favorite back roads. The plan is to meet at the Poolesville Bikes and Breakfast (located at 19701 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837) hang out for a bit and at 10:00 kick stands up for a ride through Barnesville, Sugarloaf, Clarksburg, Boyd’s, then back up to sugarloaf and...
Created in 2012, DC Triumph is a group of riders and enthusiasts based in the greater Washington, DC area. Got some news to share with us? Email us at kevin@dctriumph.com.